Friday, January 16, 2009

Some Fun

The other day we went to an opening for a kinetic art gallery at Casa de las Americas where we take our classes. Initially I though it wouldn't be so much of a scene, but when I stepped into the doors I noticed it was a hip-hopping, club-bopping, pimple-popping, floor-mopping, pizza-topping, donkey flopping,  kind of place. The first floor was full of established professors and artsy hipsters mingling with a glass of red wine and taking pictures with their digital SLR cameras. The art was ok. The wine: intoxicating. 

The rest of the night followed us with more red wine, including three bottles at the dinner table, and some rum boxes before heading to the bar. We had some special moments at the bar where some of us remember specifics more than others. I think they played an ABBA song on the dance floor? Either way it was a night off well deserved after intense four classes all week about ¿AfroCuban? slavery.

Today we went to a Santeria dance-a-thon in an artistic alley. It was great and all if you are into watching sweaty people dance. The scene was actually pretty fascinating because at one corner there was a woman who resembled Cindy McCain while on the other corner there was someone who resembled a Cuban Johnny Depp. The really cool part came when we took an "egg car" taxi home. It was incredible. Imagine being in a real life Mario Kart adventure. I felt so alive. 

Foto courtesy of Miss Steph Jones. 

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