Friday, August 21, 2009

skipping, skipping

Today is August 22nd. I have been back from Havana pretty much five months now. Why do the tear works still work more than they should?

I mean, I've done everything to try and move away. I've applied for jobs, worked at old co-ops, moved, hell I've BAKED scones and casseroles in the middle of a humid Boston summer and still...I look back and I fall back and nothing is what it seems anymore. One trigger of the Yeah Yeah Yeah's song "Hysteric" lyric that goes something like "no longer, no longer...what you ask", and I automatically think about this one time with José. One trigger of Flex's "Te quiero" and I either have a muscle-adrenalin force shock of a power run...or I die of tear-dehydration in front of the speakers thinking about ordering mojitos and judging German tourists in Havana.

Just some thoughts,


1 comment:

  1. i'm in the same boat, danny. figuratively, of course. if i literally were in the same boat as you we could just sail on back to havana and get our lives back in order.

    god i miss it so much. i used to cry maybe twice, three times a year tops, and now i cry at least once a week. it still hurts.
