Monday, February 16, 2009

The Cheese Ain't Right

So there's this joke my new Cuban friend José Raul told me last night. 

Ahem: Putin, Bush, and Fidel end up in hell where there is only one phone and the devil tells them they can make calls, but it will cost them. Putin steps up and makes a call to Moscow. The devil then tells him "you owe me 80 rubles for the call". Putin pays up and behind him comes Bush who makes a call to Washington D.C. He talks for a little longer than Putin so let's say the devil charges Bush $200. Now it's Fidel's turn to make a call. So there's Fidel making an even longer call to Havana. "How much do I owe you?", axes Fidel. The devil looks at him and says "nothing, that was a local call and local calls are free".

The joke made me think of the day the gals and me went to the Zoo and saw this...

Behold, a fat clown guarding the gates to an abandoned playground. The thought of it alone is as hellish as the cheese in this country. 

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